Dicker Data
New campus-style facility for a leading IT distributor

Location: Sydney
Client: Dicker Data
Dicker Data Limited (ASX: DDR), Australia’s leading distributor of hardware, software, cloud and emerging technologies, have moved to its landmark $74 million headquarters and distribution facility. Sitting at almost 29,000sqm, the new site currently comprises a 22,965sqm warehouse and office space of more than 4,310sqm. With a vision to create a unique campus-style facility, the HQ embraces environmentally friendly initiatives and offers a modern workplace environment to attract the best IT talent. Atdec monitor arms complimented the ergonomic sit-to-stand workstations and enabled an efficient use of the display technology.
- Two 24” monitors had to be mounted on a single monitor arm and positioned centrally for optimum user comfort.
- The sit-to-stand desks required an adjustable mount to accomodate users of various heights.
- A solution was needed to provide maximum ergonomic benefits without compromising the workstation’s real estate.
- Limited space at the back of the desk required minimal attachment for the mounting clamp.
- Monitor arm rotation had to be limited to prevent interference with partitions and allow the sit-to-stand desks to travel freely.
- The overall design of the fit-out and its open plan called for a sleek and aesthetically appealing solution.

- Two monitors were mounted on a dual rail accessory attached to a dynamic arm.
- Display height and focal distance could be easily adjusted using a convenient handle, moving both monitors simultaneously.
- Cables were managed neatly via monitor arm channels and posts.
- Black was chosen to complement the overall office design and its open-plan look and feel.
- Dual plate steel clamp desk fixing provided the necessary support with a minimal footprint.